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Gift Certificate Program

Community Gift Certificates are a great way to support the local economy. You can request them in any denomination. They are easy to order online paying with Paypal or PsBill Payment Gateway. The actual certificate is printed on distinctive paper, numbered, has the Chamber signet imprinted on it and signed by the Operations Coordinator.

There are currently over 60 businesses (listed below) that accept Community Gift Certificates, allowing the recipient a wide selection of place where they may choose to spend their certificate. These companies carry a wide variety of products and offer something for everyone. (Chamber Members - if your company is not on the list of participating businesses, and you would like your company to participate, please call the Chamber office at (620) 231-1000.)

The Chamber is proud of this program and we hope that you will take advantage of it. Please keep the Community Gift Certificates in mind for service awards, employee recognition, or your own personal gift-giving.

For more information on the Community Gift Certificate program please call (620) 231-1000.

TO ORDER YOUR GIFT CERTIFICATES, please call the chamber at 231-1000 or email with GIFT CERTIFICATES as the subject.

Businesses that accept Community Gift Certificates:
Call (620) 231-1000 to get your company listed!

Ace Hardware
Allure Salon & Spa
American Concrete Co., Inc.
A-Plus Dry Clearners
Arbonne International, Alysia Ropp
Bamboo Palace
Battery Mart
Beck & Hill Meat Market
Bella Tocca Medical Spa
Cafe Del Rio
ClawPaws Pet Shop
Comfort Inn & Suites
Custom Awards Plus
Dillon's Food Market
Dustin's Auto Detail
EcoQuest, Pittsburg
Enterprise Rent-A-Car
Extra Inn
The Finishing Touch
Frontenac's Convenient Shop & Tanning Salon
Gorilla Express
Himmel House B&B
Holiday Inn Express
Holiday Lanes
Holiday Lodge
The Home Place/The Kitchen Place
Hornback's Posey Shop
Hornback's Posey Shop II
Monica R. Kroenke, CPA
JB's Sports Bar & Grill J.C. Penney
Jayhawk Signs & Graphics
Jock's Nitch Sporting Goods
Kansasland Tire
Little's, Inc.
The Little Shop of Flowers
The Mall Deli
Marrones's Inc.
Mary Kay Cosmetics/Ann Geier
Merle Norman Cosmetics Mobilcom Company
The Morning Sun
Names & Numbers
Otto's Cafe
Patterson's Artwork
Paradise Mall - Antiques & Collectibles
Paradise Medical Spa
Posey Parlor
Ron's IGA
Ryan's Cleaners
Sharpe's Auto Body
Sonic Drive-In
The Spa at Jet Nails Plus
Steamatic of Southeast Kansas
Super 8 Motel
Treasured Images by Don Runyon
TH Rogers - True Value Hardware
Westco Home Furnishings
The Wild Side
Wheat State Pizza

117 West 4th Street
P.O. Box 1115
Pittsburg, Kansas 66762
(620) 231-1000
Fax: (620) 231-3178

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